金融工程研究中心学术报告:On the lapse behavior of variable annuity

报 告 人: 美国Claremont Graduate University数学科学学院 彭启迪 副教授

报告时间2024612日上午10: 00 - 11: 00



报告摘要: This talk introduces variable annuity and studies its holders’ lapse behavior. The lapse is supposed to occur when the VA’s utility is less than the equity’s utility. The study then requires modeling the VA, the equity and their utility functions. Our goal is to obtain proper maths models of the above items and apply them successfully in practice.


报告人简介:彭启迪,美国Claremont Graduate University数学科学学院副教授,金融工程系主任。彭启迪在法国University of Lille获得数学博士学位, 之后受聘为美国加州Claremont Graduate Universityresearch assistant professor。彭启迪的科研方向集中在随机过程在金融数学领域的应用,涉及到的概念为自相似随机过程,小波分析,分形几何以及随机过程的聚类分析。论文发表在《Bernoulli》,《Machine Learning》、《Chaos, Fractals&Solitons》、《Quality&Quantity》 等期刊上。


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